Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jamaa Journal Issue 89 + PHANTOM "WAR"

Take a look at this issue of Jamaa Journal

 Page one: oooh! Pet raccoons! I still wish they didn't cost diamonds, I haven't gotten any since Tuesday lol

Page two: SWEET! FINALLY non-members can have a pet :D

Page three: Congrats Duke ArcticPaw!

Page four: I don't have any diamond questions, but this will be great for people who do ;)

Page five: SO.. my (and other's) hypothesis was RIGHT. We are having a phantom "war" or "fight" I can't wait >:)


  1. We are not Having a fight....what made you think that!! It is just an adventure!

  2. Unfortunately, since around 2 to 4 months ago, AJHQ has been saying that the Alphas are coming, or maybe the PHANTOMS (which would be so cool!) but they STILL haven't come. At all. I sincerely hope that AJHQ keeps their promise this time and does so majorly awesome whatnot! -113457


1. No bad language, please
2. Don't spam up the place
3. Don't be mean!
4. Do not ask me or other people for things

Large Rainbow Pointer