Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Alphas-Peck

Peck is a fun, creative Rabbit who loves making artwork! She has made a ton of artwork her whole life.
People say she is loud and feisty, and also very independent. Peck is really silly and talented. She is super friendly to anyone and everyone. She is the newest Alpha, and supposedly she never fought the phantoms...
The Alphas wonder if Mira made the right choice to choose her to be an Alpha. She is so energetic that she quickly tires out all the other Alphas with her bubbly exciting personality.
Although she may seem just happy and sweet, she can get mad in a second. When her friends are in trouble she bursts out in an attacking mode.
Peck gets bored VERY easily, and when she's not bored she comes up with ideas off the bat.

It is thought Peck lives in the Art Studio because of the creative & artistic enviorment. 


  1. Peck is just like me =3

  2. i never new that about peck shes more awesome than i thought! she is super, cool, funny, creative (and even can get upset like me)!peck and me are just the same and that's why shes my most loved alpha. one of my most biggest wishes right now is that some where some time in jamaa i wood see (or meet but i really don't think that's possible) peck couse i think it wood be kind of nice to meet/see my most loved alpha. -littlemina

    1. IKR!!!! Peck is my FAVORITE SHAMAN EVER!!!!


1. No bad language, please
2. Don't spam up the place
3. Don't be mean!
4. Do not ask me or other people for things

Large Rainbow Pointer