Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Sorry for the sudden lack of posting! I got terribly ill and couldn't do much for a while. I'm back though, and I'll continue to post :)

Saturday, September 2, 2017

AJBDAY7 Cake Guide

Scattered throughout 7 lands are 7 cakes to celebrate the 7th birthday party of AJ. I'll show you guys where all of them are! I'm a little suprised there isn't a Sarepia Forest cake.. Instead there is a Kimbara Outback cake? I mean the forest has been around longer than the outback.

If you enter the code AJBDAY7, you get 777 gems. With these you can buy about one of each of the cakes. An interesting idea for the birthday cake on AJ's part. I'm not at all used to this, and I'm not really digging the idea of having SEVEN cakes in my inventory to celebrate one more year.. But oh well!

 Jamaa Township's cake is next to the bamboo forest, leading into Sarepia.

 Appondale's cake is to the far left most of the land, near the pathway.

Mt Shiveer's cake is at the very top of the mountain.

Temple of Zios' cake is next to Falling Phantoms.

The Coral Canyons' cake is by the telescopes.

Crystal Sand's cake is by the pet wash station.

Kimbara Outback's cake is on the rocks near the waterfall

Friday, September 1, 2017

AJ Birthday Party

The birthday party has it's classic items for sale.

First, check out the colors and backgrounds. I love the detail and colors in this party.

Now for the items! The furniture store has old items including the balloons and statues.

The music shop has the old classic "Birthday Bash". Also, as a side note, I've seen people think the cake on the cover is an actual item. The color of the trade list slot and the background color of the song cover look the same, so when it's put on the trade list, it doesn't look like a song.

you can just barely see the glow behind the cake...

The clothing shop is selling charm necklaces of the alphas!

Join me in another post showing you where all the cakes are!

Zios Statue, Lynx and AJ's B-Day!

Hi jammers! Lots of big news packed into one issue!

I'll talk more about the Zios statue later, because there is a lot of outrage surrounding it. I'll tell you my opinion on a separate post.

The pixel place is the newest epic den! Which is weird, because they just got rid of the pixel items? :L

 The secret shop is a Frog Pond! Which is like the duck pond, but has lily pads.

Introducing pet lynxes! I'll make another post on them too :)

It's AJ's Birthday! Stay tuned for the guide to finding the seven b-day cakes.

The Diamond Shop has a new outfit for sale, and owls are half off!

Also half off are the summer carnival prizes! Which also means summer is coming to a close :(

AJHQ developed a downloadable animal jam game! You no longer have to use a browser!

Giraffes are traveling and goats are returning.

And finally, an ad.

Now on to the new items!

Large Rainbow Pointer