Friday, January 31, 2014

Journey Book Hints: Deep Blue

Have you tried about a trillion times to find this one animal in your Journey Book? Are you sick and tired of looking? Here is YOUR guide to Deep Blue.

What: What it is
Location: Where it is
Type: is it an Animal or Plant or.. other o.o
[Moves] This means it moves. It can be very hard to get.

Mmmk here it is!

What: Frogfish
Location: By the enterance of Crystal Reef
Type: Animal

What: Gulper Eel
Location: By the little cave at the left-hand bottom of the land
Type: Animal

What: Hatchetfish
Location: Is seen swimming back and forth from the crate that has spilled gold to the opposite side.
Type: Animal

What: Coelacanth
Location: By the enterance to Bahari Bay
Type: Animal

What: Viperfish
Location: Swims across the lava-like area to the little cave in the left bottom corner of the land.
Type: Animal

What: Oarfish
Location: Pokes it's head out the hole at the top right corner of the land.
Type: Animal

What: Giant Isopod
Location: Climbs around the rocky area under the Crystal Reef Enterance
Type: Animal

What: Fangtooth
Location: Is around the bottom of the land, mostly seen by the lava
Type: Animal 

What: Anglerfish
Location: Swims just above the smoke by the game Phantom's Treasure
Type: Animal

What: Giant Squid
Location: Comes in/out by the enterance of Kani Kove
Type: Animal

Heart Locket, FIF, NTT & Den Wednesday!

 Hai Jammers! AJHQ has re-released the Heart Locket, like the past couple years!

 I really like these! They are very sweet and cool to wear
During February, I will probably do a <3 sign like a ton of times so BEWARE xD

I noticed the tree's snow is turning pinkish!!!

I decided I couldn't waaait to start Holiday Corner, so here I am with it  
 Who else is in LOVE with this tree??!! I know i am! it's cute with the popping hearts <3

Want some love in your den? Place two giraffes like this:
Awwwwww <3 Their neck & head even forms a heart!! 

Here is a cutie outfit for your animal during the season:

Where in the Jamaa World is this??!!

First Person to find it winnns!

  • More Myths added!!!! 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

SnapCrafts: Pet Ice Rink

Hey guys! Zoe here x3. I'm gonna show ya'll how to make a Pet Ice Rink!

~ Materials Needed  ~
  • Scissors (Optional-pattern scissors)
  • Markers (Red Blue & Grey)
  • glue *recommended glue-hot glue
  • PixOs or Beads (I used PixOs)
  • Cardboard
  • Toothpick
  • Plastic Packaging
  • Paper - White, Blue, Red and Light Blue
  • Clear Tape *Optional
~ Part One - Basic Rink ~

 Cut a cardboard square 'bout the size you want your rink to be.

With your pattern scissors, cut the white paper the size you would like your entire rink to be. Glue it on the cardbord. Next, cut a rectangle with round corners and place it in the middle of the white paper. Glue all in place!

~ The Stand & People ~

 Draw this shape on the cardbord. Cut out and fold... this! So the two triangle ends are out towards the rink.

 Now we need the seats. Cut a skinny rectangle out of cardbord, fold the ends over and glue in the stand *hot glue works best. make however many seats you want that will fit!

 Hot glue the stand with seat(s) on the snow part of the rink.

For the people. glue red, blue, and white PixO's or beads on the seat(s)!

~ Lines, Circles and Ice ~
 Cut out a red line, two blue lines and one red circle. Or, you can draw them on the rink with markers!

 If you're usin' paper, glue in place.

For an "ice" effect, put clear tape on top of the rink.

~ The Goals
 Cut out a pattern like the stand pattern. Usin' the pattern, cut out two of these guys out of plastic packaging.

Fold the edges like what you did on the stand, and glue on the rink. 

~ The Flags ~
 Whew! Almost done! Usin' the tooth picks, cut three pieces out of it. Now with the white, blue and red paper, cut three small triangles.

 Hot glue 'em on the sticks.

Now hot glue 'em on the back of the stands!

I hope ya'll like it!

Monday, January 27, 2014

New Year's Resolution Contest ***WINNERS***

Here are the winners of the New Year's Resolution Contest!!!




✉ Prize Checklist ✉
✘3rd - it says i cannot send to you!!

RIM - Rare Flippers & AJ Secrets!

Hey Jammers! The RIM this week is the Rare Flippers! 
 I like these, actually ^.^

The DE posted about them:

I'm catching up on the new moives, so here are the NEW! ones :3

I did one yesterday and I want to do another today :3 So here's another mystery/Secret:

You can find three deer drawings around Jamaa, one in the loading screen of Graham, one in Canyons Pathway and one in the Art Studio. But... who is it? Could it be the newest Alpha, Sigurd? Was AJ telling us for YEARS that there would be a new Animal/Alpha?!?!?!?


Large Rainbow Pointer