Sunday, July 8, 2012

Journey Book For Jamaa Township?

What do you think? Will they do a journey book for Jamaa Township? I really don't know. They might not because:
A) It's already really busy all the time 
B.) It's a tight space-no one could see anything
C) What animals and plants could they possibly put in there that would match a village/town?!

It is The only place in Jamaa that does not have a Journey Book Page... 


So, what do you think? Will they? Well just have to wait and see...
-Miss HappyTiger


  1. I think they'll make the place thats on the left side of Mt. Shiveer an AJ land and have a journey book for there, instead of making a journey book for Jamaa Township. :)


    1. Thats a really good guess! Thanks for the comment ;)


  2. no they didn't.... @anonymous

  3. Gringer, I think, all the animals will "suffocate" in how crowded it is, especially in Aldan, and all the plants will get "ruined and squashed" since most of the jammers step on them. What do you think? (sorry for the violence)

  4. Has anyone wondered why there is no plain fox, and there is an arctic fox? Isn't it really weird?


1. No bad language, please
2. Don't spam up the place
3. Don't be mean!
4. Do not ask me or other people for things

Large Rainbow Pointer