Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Mail Glitch

Look at my mail!!!

Nothing is wrong with it you say?

Well, I had the mail glitch, which is where it says you have new mail, when you really don't.

So, now it's fixed! (Hopefully...)

Have you ever had this glitch? If so, did it fix itself, or is it still going on?

-Miss  CoolWolf


  1. still goin in for me. Its been doing that for w eek now. it driveing me crazy.

  2. i had it but it went away but it came BACK!!:( anyway i think it has something to do with LOTS AND I MEAN LOTS of messages


  3. I had that happen and it REALLY confused me because the mail I had before said "my den" so I went to the persons den realizing they weren't even on!

  4. It happened to me, like, a BILLION times. Its STILL happening :P

  5. its still happening please buddy me!!!!!!!! -mansa123

  6. It happened to me like 6 times!!!! But it stopped but happened to me today..... so that means 7 times!? O.o March 10th 2014


1. No bad language, please
2. Don't spam up the place
3. Don't be mean!
4. Do not ask me or other people for things

Large Rainbow Pointer