Monday, May 6, 2013


Here is all about plaques that you can win in Animal Jam!

The Artist Plaque
This plaque is awarded to someone who's artwork is featured in Jamaa Centeral or the Daily Explorer
The Contest Plaque
If you win a contest you will be awarded this plaque

The Howl Plaque
If your howl makes it onto Jammer Centeral you will be receiving this plaque.

The AJHQ Plaque
You can win this plaque if you mail AJHQ fan mail (not emails, you have to mail one in), or having your den be featured on the Daily Explorer. 

The News Crew Plaque
If your News article wins a News Crew contest, you will be part of the News Crew, and you will also get this plaque.
(this is snowyclaw's plaque in her den)

Online Safety Plaque
If you took the Online Safety test and got 100% you won this plaque! 

You can win this plaque if you send a question to Brady Barr or Thierney Thys and they answer it.


  1. Julian2 has a reward plaque i think it might be one of a kind cause he looked it up and then i looked it up and i couldn't find anything about and either did he it looks excacly like a howl plaque though!

    1. No I have one too. My user name is Puptart if u want to see it in my den.

    2. That seems wierd I have barley watch his vidoes so Im
      not saying your lieing, but thats really hard to belive.......

    3. whats worth more a howl plaque or a artist plaque

    4. Thank you for making this blog for me to know!

    5. The Reward plaque is a glitched item when i looked it up.

  2. IS there a specific way U get your howl on jammer central? And where do U find your howl on jammer central? Please answer this question.


    1. U just have 2 send a howl and if ajhq thinks it's good, they'll put it in jammer central and send u a jag (jam a gram) saying they liked ur howl and everything and give u a howl plaque

    2. I got my Howl plaque actually a couple weeks after i did my howl. just do a bunch and you might get one ;)

    3. Huh, thats weird.. I got a howl plaque and i didn't give any howls

  3. Hey, that's cool! I've had an article featured in the Daily Explorer before - it was a snow leopard article :3 and yes, I did get that plaque and also an icon for my name tag that has a camera on it. Though I can still change the icon, I prefer to keep it with a camera. Actually, it surprises me that so many people don't know that much about the Animal Jam news crew...I know very few people even read it. I'm always having people ask me things like, "Are you in Animal Jam news crew? How do you get in?" some even mistake me for an ajhq, or site moderator, because of my name tag. So anyway, good for you for telling people more about it. By the way my username is pinkie987 if you want to friend me.

  4. hrmmmm i think i have all of them XD but i dont belive what that person said about julain2 hey he may be a great guy but still (im friends with him my user is DangerWolf8880 buddy me if u can!!) i dont blive it at all he never mentend a thing to me :3

    1. Um, actually, the Reward Plaque does exist! 7 owns it and hacked it.

    2. i met someone in wootmoos den with one on her trade and then i hovered my mouse over it and i freaked out! ;D

  5. hrmm anyone else not like writing all thouse numbers befor u post??? ( 4 the blogger: =^.^= ) kitty doesnt liek spam ether!!!

  6. u can get the howl plaque when all the jammers agree what u say in your howl after a days when the jammer like your howl u can get the howl plaque and your howl will get in the jamma central

  7. Whats an Artist Plaque worth if they're worth anything?

    1. Not sure, but I have one. I have been trying to put it on trade, but nobody seems to care or notice. Sorry about that.


  9. I got the Howl Plaque by trading a fake beta hood :O

    1. WHAT A SCAM :) Good job XDDDDDD

  10. i might be getting an ajhq plac!

  11. I got a howl plaque!!! what is it worth I hope its worth something good! XD

  12. I Will be trading my art plaque Buddy me im BunnybooJR159 hope we can Trade just Reply to me Also i read the rules to make a nyan cat HAPPPYYYYYYY CX

  13. I traded my non-rare backpack for an artist plaque. Can someone tell me if this is fair? My den is always unlocked I'm Hiddendreamingstar if you want to see my artist plaque.

  14. I have a howl plaque, my username is way2happy77. Jam-a-gram me if you have offers!

  15. Oh and my username is Kalay1236

  16. what is a artistic plaque worth?
    user is:jasperkitty37


1. No bad language, please
2. Don't spam up the place
3. Don't be mean!
4. Do not ask me or other people for things

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