The New Year Party is exciting, and it helps welcome the New Year in :)
When you arrive, you are IN snow!
Basically the party is inside a gigantic igloo-- WITH SLIDES :DOn the left is a carved image of a cake, click it and it will give you cake to enjoy!
Next, once you've finished your cake, go to another shop, like the moosic shop ^.^
Climp up the ice ladder!
a bridge
and another tower!
Now slide down!
Look at those cave-like things! What are those?!
It's time to skate... on thin ice....
Have fun in the Part-AY!
You can also get a snowman (like how you can get the cake/lollipop). Once you first get in, go up and click the snowman... Oh and its not an igloo, its in ice castle (im not trying to correct you)