Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Rare Fry Hat

Sup Jammers! The RIM this week is the Rare Fry Hat.

Looks more like celery sticks and ranch to me xD


The bee items are starting to go on clearance, so I'm assuming in a couple weeks bees wont be up for sale. Also, wrist watches are leaving. I don't think I've ever seen someone wear one though.

Peck's Den is leaving in 4 days too! Which also means it will no longer be the Epic Den this coming Thursday. Get the secret item while you still can.

Is it just me or did AJHQ forget the Eggstravaganza has been going on for almost 5 months now.. Maybe it will leave during fall?


I've added a ton of awesome artwork over on the Art page!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Scented Candle SCAMS & Legendary Glove

Hey Jammers! AJHQ re-released some controversial items. I'll get into that in a minute. To kick-start, JMF has a random assortment of items up for sale.

The diamond shop is selling two new clothing items, including the Stone Sword and the Legendary Glove.

Now, onto the controversial stuff. The legendary glove used to be a rare item back when it was released (in 2011), and then continued to be until the diamond shop listed it during 2013. Then 4 years later, here it is again. It's a huge bummer for people who got it during 2011 because back then, you got one monthy membership gift.. and this was one of them. It's frustrating to see something you payed real life money for (or I guess, got as a thank-you for spending your money) be put back into circulation for anyone who has a membership for cheap.

Because it was unavalible for 2 years, came back for 1 year, then left for another 3 years and is back again just shows that we can't rely on what's gonna be rare anymore. I understand wanting to let new jammers get the older items, but this easily?

The other huge backlash AJHQ is getting is for re-releasing the Scented Candle. It's been a while since I've seen this much outrage towards an item lol. It arrived in 2014, then left in 2015. TWO YEARS it remained out of JMF, showing signs of never returning. Lots of scammers are trying to pass it off as still rare. Don't be fooled, all four scents are avalible in JMF. I'm also upset, because I traded a couple rares (NOT RIM) for my one I have in my den. Now we can buy it for 350 gems :/ .

If you ask me, AJHQ is ruining the rarity system. This was a huge culture shock to me, since I was on AJ since 2011, left during 2014. Three years has taken its toll on rares I guess lol. I might go more in depth on a post about the messed up rare system if you guys want!

The full princess set is leaving! Some items are leaving sooner than others, so check it out while you can.

 There are 6 more days left for the Solar Eclipse Outfit.

I'm updating the weekly segment tabs, so check them out if you're curious :)

Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipse Day!

 Woo hoo! It's Eclipse day! Did you guys see the eclipse?

Well, to celebrate, we have 2 new items!

Get your glasses in AJ so you can check out the Jamaa Eclipse B-)


Check out this AWESOME eclipse artwork by Dustyfables

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Even more Eclipse & Bee items + Pet Paradise

Hey Jammers! I'm actually on vacation, and the internet up here is spotty. But no worries! I'm trying my best to get you the latest Jamaa news!

JMC is selling a beehive hat with some odd looking bees, lol.

This actually reminds me of another item that's for sale in JMC, which is the beehive hair!

More furniture has been released in JMF:

Plus, see the Jamaa Eclipse in the Chamber of Knowledge!

 Sky High is gems x2!



Want to care for your pet bee? Want to learn how to care for real-life bees? Click the bee bee-low!


How to Care for Your Pet Bee

Now that bees are back, I'm going to write down some tips on caring for them!

Keep a beekeeper hive in your den! Bees need hives, and your bee will enjoy hangin' around it!

Honeycombs are a great way to keep your bees happy.

The makeshift honeycomb in Claws 'N Paws works well too.

Place your bees in a nature-y den with plenty of plants to pollinate. Cosmo's den is great for this. If you don't have one, consider buying flowers for them!

If you can't afford plants, take your bee for walks in Jamaa, and let it pollinate the various plants surrounding the areas!

If your main pet is a bee, consider getting a flower crown so it can pollinate on the go!

Bees are social creatures and thrive off of being in groups. Socialize your bee with other bees! If you can only afford one, take your bee near the hive in Coral Canyons, and let it hang out with them!


Bees are in danger of dying off. Bees are extremely important to the earth, as they pollinate the plants you see, the flowers you smell, and the food you eat. They transfer pollen they collect from these plants and drop them off in different places, so more and more plants can thrive. Without bees, tons of plants would die out, including our crops.

So how can you help?
1. Plant flowers & flowering herbs
2. Buy organic food and visit the local farmers market.
3. Don't use chemicals or pesticides on your plants and lawn.
4. Buy raw honey from your local beekeepers


Friday, August 18, 2017

Busy Bees & FIF

Heyo Jammers! Lots of stuff is being put up for sale in this event every day. In JMF the next items of the bee & eclipse theme are for sale.

To understand the bee, we must become the bee... To do that, dress up like one!! xD

For all your nature den needs, Treetop Gardens has you covered! Lots of outdoorsy items have been added.


Pet Ponies will be leaving the Diamond Shop in 10 days.. meaning you won't be able to adopt them.

AJHQ has a new epic den listed.. Peck's Den! The next item in the secret Antique theme is an Antique Window.

It's located on the left most side of the den, just passing the stone stairs.


Can you find this?

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Jamaa's Eclipse Preperation

Hello again Jammers. The eclipse update has tons of cool stuff in store so far, and I'm very excited to see what's next!

The eclipse sofa is sharing it's spot with the honeybee wall art!

A full eclipse set is for sale in the Diamond Shop, and two items are nm! You will need 11 diamonds to buy the entire outfit.

Three lands have become darker in this update. It reminds me of the Day of the Phantoms celebration!

Jamaa Township:


Temple of Zios:

The Mira & Zios statures have rays of moonlight illuminating them. It's very pretty!!

I love the atmosphere in these three lands. I also like the approaching eclipse in Appondale! I'm guessing it will get brighter as the days go on? We will have to wait and see!

Bees & Eclipses!

Hi Jammers! Some super interesting news today! AJHQ announced the plans for the Jamaa Eclipse:

They also issued an eclipse warning. Be sure to read this and keep the warning in mind on August 21.

AJ has a new app on the appstore!

BEES are back!! Hurray! I love the bees, they might be in my top 5 favorite AJ pets :)

To get the bee, click on the honeybee banner. There are lots around Jamaa!

 Click the bottom left or right bee symbols.

This will take you to the bee customization page!

I made a totally original bee with a totally creative name xD

You can now paint with pixels on the easel in the Art Studio, and plushies can be placed in both land & ocean dens!!

I'm very happy AJHQ decided to do this, I was bummed we couldn't put the summer carnival ocean plushies on land. But now we can!


Here are multiple eclipse themed outfits!

I decided to use more black than yellow, because it felt too busy with more yellow.

You don't have to stick to the eclipse set to make an eclipse-themed outfit!

Don't forget the sun & moon themed clothing.

Best part is, some sun & moon items are nm!

Incorporate the bee antennae and eclipse items to fully embrace this update xD
I'll be posting more in-depth info on the eclipse update in my next post!
Large Rainbow Pointer