I'm doing a contest about GHOST STORIES! All you have to do to win the prizes [prizes shown later], is tell your TRUE ghost story that has happened to you. There will be 1st 2nd and 3rd for the scariest, creepiest or coolest story! Winners will have theirs posted! RULES:
- No inappropriate stories
- Must be true
- Must have happened to you or friend or family member (not someone you don't know's story)
- No put downs towards other's stories!
- Must not be gory (seriously, who wants to read about that!??!)
- Not too scary please! I don't want nightmares (╥﹏╥) ;)
- You may enter MORE than once, but you can only win once.
- PLEASE put down your AJ username!
(to be announced)
To get you warmed up, here is one of MY true ghost stories!
When my cat died a couple years ago, I was so sad. About two weeks had passed when I was sitting at an old-school coumputer, playing my video game. All of a sudden I feel something rubbing up against my leg. It was like what cat's do to show their love. I looked down at my legs and saw an indent in my jeans dissapear. I think it was our family cat saying "goodbye" or "I love you"
Now GO GO GO and share your stories!!!
This is actually a true story, it happened to me when I was in bed sleeping in my cosy, awesome bed, when all of a sudden I woke up and sat up and saw this bright blue figure kind of floating towards me than I don't know what happened because my head fell asleep and hit my pillow. I always wondered what it was.
ReplyDeleteThe End (this story is true, when it doesn't I swear it is!)
~bunnygirl1390 (Hate my user:C)
this story did not happen to me but my mom it was about two years ago when my moms dad pasted away it went on for about six months that every night she would wake us but to find nothing but a shadow every night until where she turned on the lights and after that she has not seen it since.
DeleteWow! I would have been so scared if that happened to me! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeletewhen i was about 6 or 7 years old i was getting ready to go to bed when i heard a tap at my window. i walked over to see who it was. "who could it be? its only 10:00 at night." i thought. when i reached the window i climbed up my bed and opened the windows blinds. i looked out at the dark night, then i saw two eye looking at me. one was a light blue, the uzer was a dark bloodie red. it was growling at me. i don't really remember what happened next, but i pretty sure i fainted. i have a few theory's what happed:
ReplyDelete1 it tried to kill me
2 i just fainted from the pressure
3 my imagination came to life...
that night i had a dream that some thing... or some one was calling my name "jade... jade..." when i woke up the next morning i told my parents about what had happened but all they said was... "kids and there imagination." but it was true, the day before i was playing with my littlest pet shops, and i made up a charetor that visets your house and if you look in its right eye it will do nothing, but when looked with bot eyes in the red one, it will kill you! but i don't think i looked at it with both eyes. i still wonder hat happened but i have know clue, i still believe every word i said, and know one believes me not even my best friend. do you believe?
-littlemina(i hate my user to. lol!)
You know how I got my user? ( I hate it too. I hate it so much.)
DeleteI used to play Moshi Monsters, and when I was making my username I thought I could only use a genarater thing to make my username. "Catbusy38" popped up and now I use " Catbusy38" for all of my virtual world users.
(this is true and resent) Ok so when my cat died a month ago (his name was Blythe and he was 21) So when he died 2 weeks later... My auntie went to her friends reading with a physic the physic said "Did anyones cat die about a 2 weeks ago?" O-O my auntie raised her hand and said my brother (my dad!) and the physic said... "He said hes happy but sad he misses him and his family and my auntie almost cried. My mom told me that in the morning I HAD TO MISS SOME SCHOOL I CRIED TO MUCH! DX i still do ;-; i miss him! (alai2820) :'3
ReplyDeleteI swear this is true, and it really happened , when I was in 5th grade.I was in 5th grade,and my grandpa had just died in august it was now october, and it was halloween. I was sleeping when I suddenly woke up. I sat up in bed , and there, floating at the foot of my bed was my grandpa.Im not kidding , he was right there he was wearing his plaid bathrobe and was wearing his glasses."grandpa?" I asked, he just smiled at me , and then said "Im proud of you my grandson". His words just seemed to echo in my room then , suddenly was conked out. That morning everyone at school said i seemed to have an good aura of nice energy.When ever someone told me that , i just smiled and remember grandpa.
p.s lots of other supernatural things has happened , and this is just one of them
Oh.My.Gosh. That is so unbelievably cool. I'm glad you got to hear the words out of his mouth, especially "Im proud of you". That part made me cry ;') Beautiful story, thanks for sharing!
awww.... That reminds me of my great- grandma. I grew up with her, she baby-sat me every day.She was actually my hero. One cold rainy April she passed away in Hospice. Every night I think of her and cry.. I then have dreams she is alive and she was still babysitting me.
DeleteP.S: I was only 5 when she passed, so it was very hard on me
ReplyDeleteThat is mah reaction. :3
-CSC 113457
Gringersnap, is it ok if there is no ghosts (the story im thinking of doesn't really have ghosts, it does include a person who is dead, its not gory though) or not really scary?
ReplyDeleteWell the contest does have to do with ghosts, but if it does have to do something with being dead I suppose it will work
(true) ONCE UPON A TIME!!!... \OoO/ (fail) OK once i was playing aj and then my sister came in the room and said BOOOOO!!! I told her stop playing tricks on my then all of the sudden!!! the lights kept flashing when my sis was right next to me! i walked out of the room and ran into my mum. i told her about the lights then when i walk into the room with my mum the lights were perfect! when my mum walked out again THEY FLASHED AGAIN! i went back to my computer and this virus came on and shut down my computer! (its ok now) this time i told my dad when he came in i saw a shape cuz i wasn't paying attention to my dad. im thinking WAT TAH HECK!? that night i was getting ready to brush my teeth then TAH SHAPE APPEARED AGAIN! so that time i'm like WAT THE BLOODY HELL!? so when my sister came in the room shes like ??? ?.? she told me to go to sleep and i had nightmares all night and stayed up. o.O IT IS TRUE! but i wish i had a video cam ._. ~ALIU45 THIS WORLD IS SO CREEPY LIKE BLOODY MARY AND DEAD MAN AND SLENDER AND NIGHTMARES AND AHHHHHHHHHHHH *runs*
ReplyDeleteWow Gringersnap your story wasn't that scary, but it was pretty sad i kinda cried...
ReplyDeletei know. that was the saddest ghost story i have ever heard. :(
ok so my username is "amazingcows4428" i am a friend of littlemina. and i hope you enjoy my story. it is 100% true, and if you don't believe me, ask LM (littlemina). P.S. LM just became a member today, YAY!
ReplyDeleteit was my first sleep over with LM and we could not get to sleep. LM said we should tell ghost stores to scare are selves to sleep. and i said, "no way. don't you remember the last time you told one of your stores! you had me up for nights!" then she gave me a eager look. "no, there is NO way we are doing bloodie merry."
"oh come on it will be fun!"
"no." i don't know how she did it, but she did get me into the bathroom. we stood in front of the mirror, spoke very clearly, "bloodie merry... bloodie merry..." and then i saw something that all most gave me a heart attack! i saw two dark read eyes looking at me. i looked over at LM and i could tell she saw it two by the look in her eyes. i wanted to scream when all of a sudden i felt something touch my back...
i turned around but know one was there, so instead i ran out screaming for my life, i woke my parents and everything up. then i heard some laughing coming from the bathroom. at first i thought it was just LM, but then it grew dark and evil. LM and i where ok after that, but I'm still a little paranoid to go to the bathroom a lone. (lol.)
-amazingcows4428 (P.S. I'm a non member).
Wow that's an awesome, spooky story! That would have felt scary and frightning and evil!
DeleteI'm scared to go into bathrooms 'cause I think there's a monster in the toilet/in the shower curtains. I have no idea how/why I have this weird fear of bathrooms. I have no bad encounters with bathrooms. :\ Yup. That's me.
Delete-Creature Spiritchamp, 113457
I used to have that fear, thinking a monster would pop out of the shower and kill me. (don't judge me)
i hate mirrors for some reason....
DeleteI still remember this and I hate it.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in kindy, Around 6:00 am In bed.I felt like something was punching and poking me and scratching me. I woke up and two big dark bloody red eyes were staring at me I thought I was imagining, I shook me head. The red eyes were gone but my legs and arm were red. and there were faint scratch marks. I went to Mum crying and screaming , she looked at my legs and arms and said what were you doing. I told her what had happened. She just said it was my imagination. But I swear It wasn't. I still remember the eyes that stared. Sometimes I hate going to sleep. I like the daytime best. But I still remember The big bloody dark red eyes that stared at me.
Bunnygirl1390 (I have lots of stories because my life is weird and sometimes feels like it's cursed.) P.s I hate my user name
Ok, I don't know if this is true. Once, my BFF and me were sleeping in my bed and we heard these steps in the hallway. It sounded like skeleton bones. It wasn't from my parents either. :O, I have NO idea what happened!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOK so this happened to my friend on animal jam.
ReplyDeleteso she was playing animal jam with me and amazingcows4428 and she said we should go to her den, and we agreed. we went to her den but she never came, we must have been there for like 10 minuets before we got smart, and realized she had logged off. so the next day at school i asked her why she logged off with out saying good bye, and she said that there was some kind of glitch. she got bought to a den that looked like one of toughs old diners in the movies mixed with her barn den only all black in white. there was a jammer in there but it had know name tag on it so she couldn't see the username, they just walked around in the den and didn't talk. then she said that she was about to log off, but the computer logged her off and the computer shut down. latter that day i asked amazingcows4428 what she thought and she said, "there's know way that is true! shes lied, she all ways does!" after that i didn't believe her, but a few days latter the same thing happened to me! i had just became a member and i was looking at all of my dens, when i got to the barn den...
i changed to it when i was brought into a black and white den that looked like a old dinner mixed with a barn den. it had a jammer who was all white with know name tag they where was a horse a little bigger than a normal horse. the den looked a little bit familiar then i realized it was the den my friend was talking about! i did the first thing that came into my mind, i tipped up: why are you here, who are you? they replied me sooner that i expedited, they said: a long time ago i was normal like you. but one i got trapped in a den that animal jam had bin making but never finished i can't get out or do anything. I'm stuck here for ever. after that my computer logged me out and i thought about what they had said. so i called amazingcows4428 and tolled her everything, but all she said was "you loony! shes got to you to." then she hung up. i still think about the poor jammer and how they get stuck. so i am all ways careful when i change to my barn den. it has not happened again, yet...
-littlemina (now a member)!
That is soooo creepy! I am terrified of going to barn dens now! lol
DeleteNice story... weird creepy, but I think with your story you have a good chance of winning. ^.^
This was a true story that happend to me.Both of my grandfathers died before i was born, but when i was sleeping, but i got up for a drink. I took a sip of my water and i heard a few words, and saw a lightish blue ghost floating above, I knocked my glass, and my mum woke, i told her what happed, but she never belived me!
ReplyDeleteTHE END! ( it's true!)
~ denihui123
Ok this story is TOTALLY CREEPY but 100% true! My username on animal jam is vampicat
ReplyDeleteLast night I was feeding my two cats a late night dinner because my family and I were out shopping and we came back late at night. I saw in the corner of my eye a wierd shadow from the window, "oh well, just my reflection in the window" I thought. I forgot about that for the rest of the night, UNTIL......the next day ( today ) I got bored of watching endless videos of funny cats on you tube (lol) so I found this blog, cool! I thought when I heard about the ghost story contest. I was reading the rules and some of the previously submitted responses. I was trying to remember a ghostly story when I remembeerd about what happened earlier last night, as I was trying to remember what had happened the scroll thing that you use to move the page started to go BONKERS! then as the page calmed down I went to type my response to the competition when my mums internet connection was lost!!!!! CREEEEEPY!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S my scroll thing is still going crazy! AND IT ONLY HAPPENS WHEN I TRY TO REMEMBER LAST NIGHT !!!!!!
scrolling down the page? that happens to me sometimes... its really weird.
DeleteOkay here goes sorry if I scare you :(!! It was like 11:00pm on a friday night that I was getting ready to take a shower I was home alone at the time cause my parents was doing business stuff, so I was picking out my clothes and heard a "THUMP! THUMP!" I turned and looked out the window see if someone was knocking at the door...Nobody I was puzzled , so I just thought it was my imagtion and went back to what I was doing as I entered the bathroom I heard a different nosie... it was like a slow walking nosie "cerp cerp" It wasn't loud but I was alone so I can hear it but BARELY! I was creeped out, locked the bathroom door and set out my clothes and turned on the water. As I undressed I heard the thumping again, "THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!" 3 times this time I was very scared then I didn't wanna take shower now but oh well I promised my parents I would be ready to go to the sleep over That I was going to so, I hopped in the shower and slided the screen it was very hard to I had to almost had to stran to make it close like something was holding it back....Weird I thought. I finished my shower and once I opened the screen I seen a FACE! I screamed in terror, it was a young girls face it was white as smoke I looked I stared at her hard, I was trying to speak but all u heard from me was "mu-mu-mu" I got 1 word out can you guess? "MOMMM!" I heard the door unlock I threw a towel on and ran to the door crying I fell into my mothers lap and cried. She asked whats wrong I told her what had happened my father checked the bathroom the girl was gone....Pretty creepy right hope so it freaked me out!!!! Hope I win my user on animal jam is Kewl4ever :D :D
ReplyDeleteWell, I am clearly NOT winning this contest. ;-; Here's my story. Okay, so I was getting ready to go to bed (Why do these things always happen at night?) and I was on the top bunk, my twin sister (her user is jhana) on the bottom. I was settling down in my bed when I heard yelling outside. And it freaked me out. My sister heard it too, so I wasn't imagining things. That's pretty much it. ;-;
ReplyDelete-Creature Spiritchamp, 113457
did it say something?
DeleteHey Jhana is my buddy in AJ!
DeleteI don't really have to be paranoid, though. :3
PS) I have a lot of ghost stories; I'll just say 2 or 3, because I like to type my life.
And, and also once I was sleeping on my brother's floor and all the lights were out. I was right next to the door and only a sliver of light was on my pillow. I stared wide-eyed around the room 'cause I'm scared of the dark, and when I looked at my pillow, I coulda sworn there were dozens of spiders on it. I quickly lifted my head off the pillow, and then stared some more. Those dang spiders wouldn't LEAVE MEH! DX Then I got up and told my Mom and she said I was imagining things. Then I went back and reluctantly laid down and HEY NO SPIDERS.
ReplyDeleteAnd once I was sleeping and then I heard dishes clattering in my kitchen. I just kinda sat there and waited, and then the ghosts decided that they were done eating and the clattering stopped. TEH END. :3
-Creature Spiritchamp, 113457
This is what happened two nights ago...Near Midnight...Me and my family was sleeping. When I heard this kind of banging in the toy room. My brother came into my room because he had heard the noise as well. He said he'd see what it was. He went then he made a tiny scream, that only I could hear, He came back saying there was a black hooded figure, So we both went and we saw the black hooded figure, We screamed, Our Parents came, They asked why we were up. They said it was our imagination. But the proof was there was paper spilt from the printer, scattered on the floor, They saw and just said nothing. So I call it the paper Ghost. Now the printer stops printing sometimes after the incident. The end! Bunnygirl1390 (hate my user)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewhy did I let my friend type that up >.< im deleting it o.o
Deleteook this happened when i was 11 i am 13 now so...........
ReplyDeletei went to bed and woke up in the morning i looked at the blind shields and they were are are eyes balls looking at me i thought i was imagining but i wasnt it was really creepy so now it takes me like 2 hours too fall asleep also i my uncle who died a while ago he was a famous artist so when he was little he got a doll named robert robert the doll was possesed/evil some how and he could take and walk when my uncle passed aWAY HE LEFT ROBERT ALONE IN THE ATTIC robert the doll went cuckoo and now he is in key west florida search robert the doll on youtuve and youll see him no joke! i am animalpaw21 thanks so much gingersnap<3
Omg I just looked it up and it freaked me out just by looking at it.. O_O
DeleteEllo calyx! i just firgured out to comment by using my googgle account. anyways. it freaked me out too. XD
To cal, lily.
omz... o.o I looked up Robert the doll and clicked on Robert the doll blinking because I didn't want to get freaked out too much... AND IT BLINKED O-O I would probably not shred it, maybe donate it (I would be so sorry for the person who got it DX) because if I shred it it might of came back to haunt me if I owned it... that's why a don't like dolls, they creep me out.
DeleteLol lily. I am so sorry u had to see that x3
DeleteI'm rabbitanita
ReplyDeleteOnce i was playing hide and seek in my church. It sounds weird, but on fridays, we all get together and play hide and seek in my church, correction: my HUGE church, in the dark. We hid in this random bathroom during the game. It was pretty easy because we just sat there with the door locked for most of the game. Towards the end, we decided to flush the toilet, just to freak out the seekers. Nothing really happened, but still, out cover was blown and we hd to get somewhere else, quick! We left the bathroom and went into the hallway. As we walked through, the elevator door on our left randomly opened out of nowhere!! It was scary!! We ended up winning the game, but that elevator will haunt me forever!
-Vic and Juni
Klaudia99773 your buddy here this is my 3 days of the nightmare what happened to me ok day 1 i was watching a scary movie at nigh and i was scares very scared so i went to sleep i didint sleep all night from it. day 2 i was playing with my friends scary stories and there was and empty house behind us we heard someone scream in there we ran away we say a black cat passing us (that ment bad luck) so i went home. day 3 i was happy no more nightmare but the day was awfull i was blocked from aj cause someone reported me and i got hacked O.O at night time there was another nightmare and when i woke up a bat bashed into my window btw it had giant fangs!!! thats the scariest things and strangest things that happened to me and day 4 all i saw was a man carrying a big tv with a robber hat O.O that was soooo strange!
ReplyDeleteOk, This is eiephant(MY USERNAME) here! This was what happened:
ReplyDeleteI was in bed, reading my book at night, when I heard a creaking of a door in the hallway. I went to go see what it was, but there was nothing. For a while, I though it was my brother playing with his toys, but he was asleep. Then I heard loud footsteps downstairs. A THUMPING! I was too scared to check it out. I think it was outside. I looked out the window, and there was a person (at least i think it was)! I closed my eyes, but then he was gone. I was SOOOO FREAKED OUT!
Ok, here is my story. So i was sleeping in my room with a mirror right across from my bed. Suddenly i heard some train noises. Then...BANG! I heard a "BANG!" And my drawer was open, was a ghost looking through my clothes? Then i went back to sleep and i had a dream, this is my dream: So i was in class and i was talking to my friend about how i won't get on a website, then she said that i never let her draw ponies (cuz imma brony so i draw ponies) then my other friend gasped and then my friend put her hand on my eyes and my other friend put her hand on my mouth, even though i'm not a mouth-breather i could not breathe, then i woke up and i could not breathe, i don't have asma so i think it was the dream that made me choke.Then i heard a "heeheehee" And...the end!
ReplyDeleteUser: Tingaling888
Ok my story all started at my friend Angela's house... Angela was giving out invitations to girls for a sleepover at her place.After she gave out all the invitations she gave me mine,I said "Thanks,Angel",she said "No prob". After a few minutes the school bell rung for lunch,the school was serving pizza so me and Angela ran to the school cafeteria,where the most feirce bully,Julian sat in our regula table we asked her if we could sit with them she said no and then Angela and I went over to another table where Bea our other BFF was sitting we sat beside her. We had a good lunch,later at 4:00 pm Angela's mom picked us up to go to her tutor building thing after.At 5:00 pm we went to Angel's house we had all our stuff for the sleepover,but Angela looked sad when we came in the house Bea didn't know why she was sad but I think I knew it was probably of a cellphone call she got this morning I asked her what was wrong she said that her dog passed away at lunch the dog got hit by a car.I felt sorry for her but we had a great night but she said she always sees her dog at night at 6:00. It's creepy O_o
ReplyDeleteOkay, i was in my room... it's really late, i just woke up from my usual nightmare. (Can't tell, against the rules) It's raining incredibly hard outside...
ReplyDeletenot unusual. Then, i hear a really loud sound: "KRACK, KRAAAAAACK!"
And i look up from my bed... and i see a tall figure, hooded. I blink ONCE and it's gone. I close my door every night now... i named him Slendy. XD
There's my story...
~Nuttyness is my user!
one time when i was at my cousins house in the basement ( its so big its like a mini house). it was raining outside and was nice and cool. my cousin has a jukebox so she decided to put some music on. so after the music was done we just kept playing. suddenly my cousin froze. " lindsey" i said "whats a matter". no reply " lindsey"? " emily go up stairs ........ NOW!! so i rushed upstairs just as she told me. i was relived to hear her footsteps behind me. as soon as she got out she slammed the door." what is it lindsey " i pressed i wondered if it was one of her pranks . T-THE JUKEBOX ... ITS HAUNTED. THE CD'S IN IT MOVED AND SELECTED A SONG. my eyes widened. for a minute we just stood in the hall in silence. a little while later we decided to tell lindsey's mom. she chuckled and said." if you leave it on a song for a while it'll just go in order and select the next song." i was relived, a little i'm not the superstitious type. so we went back down . i walked toward it and we started to play catch. then i looked at it and just walked a few feet away from it. to this day we're still sorta uneasy around it. -wolf41816
ReplyDeleteok this isn't a story but go on youtube and look up urban legends top 10 creeypastas
ReplyDeleteahem i meant creepypastas
Deletealso i have no intent to win and i prob wont win but hers something . i have always been afraid of mirrors ( please dont laugh) and for good reason. one time my friend was brushing her teeth( she gave me permission to tell this) and she looked in the mirror and her eyes where stitched close and her mouth too she freaked out and smashed all the windows in her bedroom and took a knife and stabbed at the mirror . bad idea. the mirror began to bleed. so she ran out frantic and told her mom and dad. but her dad came in and it was all clean exept the shards of glass on the floor. she still doesn't have mirrors in her house and refuses to buy any. i still think mirrors are posessed.
ReplyDeleteYou have a fear of mirrors like Queen Levana. But you're probably not
Deletea.) Queen of the moon
b.) A psycho mind-controller
c.) Not from the years of T.E.
She's from my favorite book series, but she's not my favorite character. If you haven't read the books, there's Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter, by Marissa Meyers. THEY SO EPIC! :O
here is my story this was when i was 5 years old i was playing animal jam and my sister was calling her friend and my sister puted on a bubble game on her computer and she wanted to make me play it so i did and i did it wrong and THERE WAS A SCARY FACE and i started having a heart attack and cryed as loud as i can and my mom was got scared and went to the living room and tryed to cheer me up User is Sunlight143
ReplyDelete21batyd ( YES AGAIN ) accidently put my story in the wrong tab ( ^ 0 ^ ) anyway, I'm trying this again.
ReplyDeleteI strolled down the road, off to the market. Our road winds around a little bit, and its pretty long. At the end a big, blue, tall ghost-looking guy pops up. "what the- " I thought. He looked like and was dressed like, (for some reason it looked like the person on The Lorax that always wears grey XD ) Now don't get me wrong, he still looked scary. " What do you want?!?! " ,he boomed. "That depends, and why do you look so old- school, fat guy?" I asked, snickering to myself. He picked me up (AAH I WAS DANGLING 25 FEET OFF THE GROUND UPSIDE DOWN! ) and chucked me all the way back to my house were I crash through roof and into the kitchen. All a suden, the Ghost Busters appear, hand me a ghost blaster, wink at me and leave. I stroll back down to the end of the road. He's still there! (cripes!) " What do you want now, kid?" he asks me."I want YOU to be gone!" I scream at him and point the blaster at him and press the "suck" button. At the market I took the last gallon of milk and you won't belive what I saw. Fatty was right there! HA HA HA he laughed. I jumped. AHH I screamed. He was back and scarier than ever. He looked like a mad biker who had got his sandwich stolen! I sit up in my bed, breathing heavily and scared. It was only a dream! I thought to myself. Then I wouldn't go outside for a week.
ur story isn't twu -.-
DeleteIt's a DREAM, so it never happened REALLY. But not going outside for a week? Harsh. Okay, if it was in summer, I could relate kinda. I never go outside in summer. :\
when I read "(AHH I WAS DANGLING 25 FEET UPSIDE DOWN) and chucked me all the way back to my house and I crashed through the roof and into the kitchen. All a sudden the Ghost Busters appear" I could tell it was obviously a dream
DeleteSure... I totally belive that.
ReplyDeleteOne day last year, I was at the Arlington national cemetary or whatever on a school field trip, and I was visiting someone who my mom new's grave, and I could've sworn I saw a man watching me that looked JUST LIKE HIM. It was freaky. He disappeared and at night when I was trying to sleep, I saw a little green man outside of the window whispering my name, OVER, and OVER... It was verrrry scary...
ReplyDeleteHello Gringersnap,
ReplyDeleteIamcool2671 here. I am here to share the story that I told you on aj. Just want to say Thank you so much for putting me on Buddy Of The Month! It means a lot to me and I couldn't ask more from you.
Ok here it goes.
One day ( When I was 7 ), I was just playing on the computer minding my own business.. And it randomly shut down. I wondered why but then.. when I got it all set up again..It was at the screensaver, and guess what I saw?
I saw a shadowy face staring at me with bloody red eyes. It looked like Pitch from Rise of the Guardians. I screamed and ran to my mom to show her what I had seen, but when she came.. GONE!!! I was shocked and then when she went away I saw it again.. I just closed my computer and stayed with my mom and never went on the computer or T.V for weeks or months.
But then I moved and everything went back to normal.
I hope it didn't scare any of you. And thanks Gringersnap for believing me.. Most people don't believe me.. I hope I win but my story is not that good. I am pretty sure that computer was possessed ( I know it sounds weird.. I mean a computer possessed, come on) because a BUNCH of weird things have happened on it. If it WAS possessed it would have to be by an evil spirit. And that's my story!!
Ok i got the answer from ghost story. Rumors it after a pirtate named Jean Laffate's death, Red eyes is left to guard his treasure.
ReplyDeleteOnce my mom and her 3 other sisters were playing with a weegy board.
My mom was reading a book while her other sisters were playing with it, My moms sisters asked the weegy board are you a ghost, the answer was yes. They asked the board how they had died, he died in a fire that his dad caused him. After that they asked were he was at in the room, he said he was sitting next to the girl reading the book. The next day my aunt stuck the weegy board under her bed, later that morning she went to school and found it in her locker. In the afternoon she threw it away, and the next morning it was under her bed. My mom felt like she was with someone every day. Then my aunt decided to do the contact they saw his spirit he was a boy with a sailor hat like back in the old days. They asked him what will it do to move on? So he said nothing then he disappeared. When my older sister was born my mom said she saw a little boy in the waiting room with a sailor hat. Years Later me age 11. My younger sister who has Adhd was in her room talking to someone when I asked her who it was she said its David. I bet I knew why he was talking to her because she was so similar to my mom.
My aunt said that every time she was dizzy she would see a strange black figure coming toward her.................................. The end of my Real ghost story.............
One year later.......
I was watching tv in my room and the tv went to a old channel that had people with sailor hats on and my music player thats old started playing Patsie Cline music.The tv went black so i went to tell my mom then the door was budged. so In tried the bathroom door that leads both ways to my my mom. That one had no lock on it so i tried opening it it wouldn't open. so i sat on my bed reading a book, then I heard banging on the window like if you were trapped in a house. Then the tv and music player turned on by itself. I started praying to god to help me because i had no idea what was going on. Everything stopped. I went to my mom and said no one was in the bathroom or my door as stuck.
Later that day I researched a little boy that died in a fire.
I found a site that had info it said that his dad set a little fire to search for something then the house got set on fire. David was listening to a Patsie Cline music and dancing, and was watching tv about a sailor.
Then he was on fire banging on the windows for help and tried to open the door he didn't make it. Thats my ghost story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one day my friend she came to my house told me about this little girl in a white dress(that was long) and I SAW HER IN MY ROOM she sat down on my bed (i was watching mlp fim and every night i watch it in my room she is in my room) btw i fainted and i do not remember anything from that night
ok i have alot of them that r true but i will tell the one thats most popular (i tell alot of ppl) ok it all started i was in my room with my dog she got taken to the vet so i was petting her and o was going to leave i share a room with my sister and she has dolls and there were a baby doll and a diff one with hair and well i put my hand onto the top of the bed to get up ( we have a bunk bed) and they were lying over the edge and i tuched her hair and i got up and ran but wen i did my dog barked so i went over there and i told her it was ok but the dolls were more over the bed so i left again but my dog did it anain and so wen i came back they were on the floor and my dog got up and we both walked away ( she was not able to walk very well ether i had to help her) -sanaban if u dont belev me ask my friends i told in real life i also told the about aj they all play it the pp
ReplyDeleteThis is totally true. It was when I was 6 or maybe 7. Anyway I was sitting on top of those one seat sofa things. Like literally i was sitting on the head (top) of it. I was telling my parents about my school day when I saw saw light bluish thing. I leaned back startled. At then I fell of of the sofa (i leaned too back) and fainted. When I woke up I saw it again. i rubbed my eyes and when i looked it was gone. I still wonder about it. Freaky right?
ReplyDelete- Mango256
it was the 4th of July and i was swimming in my pool when all of a sudden it started to swarle, and turn blue and green. i screamed at the top of my lungs but know one came. i tried to clime out but the water was pulling me in. i went under water and then, everything was black. when i woke up i was in the hospital. my arm was broken and i had a scar under my eye. i asked my mom what happened and she said that i must of fainted and all most drowned in the pool. ever scene then i hear thees voes and stuff. i think I'm missing a part of the story. only, when i fainted i forgot most of it. weird.-amazingcows4428 (I'm a non member)
ReplyDeleteok so here won my mom told me her and my big brother who was six then moved in to an old house and after they moved in weird stuff caped happen like the tv turning on by its self an chairs moving out like someone was siting down and hearing people walking up stairs where no one is up stairs well my mom found out the a family had been x ed out in the house like 20 years ago the two boys and the mom and dad, so yea the house was haunted bye the old family that lived there creepy
ReplyDeleteI forgot to type out my user. so yea, user is: naialily920
ReplyDeleteThis is probably just dreams but I don't really think so. I was at my grandparents house in my room. It was a pretty old room and it had flowers on the walls. Now that I think about it the room wasn't creepy at all XD. Anyways, i started having really really creepy dreams: I was in bed wearing my nightgown and I was freaked out about something. I got out of bed and stood on the floor for a bit. I could actually feel my nightgown tickling my legs and the carpet underneath my bare feet! I was trying to walk towards the door but I was soooo sleepy... next thing I knew my eyes had closed and I was back in bed. Then I tried again and the same thing happened!!! And then I woke up. I just sat in bed breathing really fast and staring ahead of me. Then i decided I could go back to sleep. I covered my head with the covers and fell asleep. Then I had another nightmare: I was sitting in my bed again except there was a wooden door in the wall that wasn't there before. Then it started rattling really loudly. It opened and my mother came in wearing old rags. She opened her mouth really abnormally wide and screamed. She tried running back through the door but there was a cutting sound and she fell on the floor, blood trickling through her clothes. I am really really sorry if it was too gory!!! My username is catspasta (my two favorite things :D). Thanks a bunch!
ReplyDeleteif that happened to me I would wake up crying and screaming and run to my mom o.o
DeleteHere is my (jhana) ghost story!
ReplyDeleteSo, I was on vacation in the middle of summer, and I was supposed to be asleep. I couldn't fall asleep because my cat or dog wasn't there to make me cozy and stuff. So I just lay there, staring at the ceiling, when I hear faint whispers. The whispers grow louder, and louder, and LOUDER, they're all around me! Left and right, above, below! I prayed in my head that these enigmatic whispers would go away, but they never did. Just kept on whispering, until sleepiness claimed me for the night. I woke up in the morning, forgetting all about it, until later. In all honesty, I thought it was Satan or something. -.-
I like to eat at the Chick-fil-a near my house, and I was young enough to go into the indoor playground (now I'm getting too old.). They have weird buttons that make funky sound effects when you push them in the playground, mind you. All the other kids had left, and I was climbing around playing and minding my own business, when the buttons go all crazy and make sound effects. "Uh. . hello. . ?!" No one answered of course, no one was pushing the buttons. I'm still kinda creeped out about it to this day, when the room is empty and the buttons make noises.
Those buttons BARK and MEOW and GAWOOOOZA and all this crazy jank! I HATE DEM BUTTONS. They so annoyin'. :P
we just moved to a new house and a week later I was sleeping and I heard someone calling my name. I woke up and they stopped saying my name. I went down stairs into the kitchen and I noticed the basement light was on. I went down into the basement and I saw a girl about 16 or 17 outside just standing there . I walked over to the door to get a better look at her she was crying and holding a picture frame. Then I heard someone say "Why did you do this" behind me when I turned around I saw a little boy sitting on the floor covered in blood. I screamed and turned around and the girl I saw was holding a knife she had red eyes, black hair. and wearing a white dress with red blood stains on it .I ran up stairs to tell my aunt she didn't believe me. The people who lived there before us had a son who was killed by his older sister. this story is true
“Did I ever tell you about the bloody opossum?” my best friend, Breanna, says.
ReplyDelete“Say what?”
Breanna flips her fire-engine red hair and sits on a tree trunk. We just got out to recess.
“Well, one day my family and I were having a cook-out. Then my dad pointed out in the yard and said ‘Look, an opossum!’ It had a bloody nose. The moment we saw it, it ran away.”
Suddenly we hear a whistle.
“Kaleb, get off of that tree!” our math teacher, Ms. Piper, rings. Breanna goes on, ignoring the fact her best friend is stuck in a tree. “Anyway, a couple weeks after the cookout, we went outside. When we got out, though, there was something on the porch: that same darn opossum. So my dad kicked it off the porch and we never saw it again. Except for when dad ran over it with the car, maybe.” “Creepy,” I say. Suddenly I get cold chills. “It’s nearing Christmas Break”, I think. “It’s supposed to get cold.”
The next January, not but a couple weeks later, it was time for my church youth trip. We were going to a big two-day concert in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The two hour trip lasts 3 hours because the teenagers make Eddie, the poor man driving them, almost crash because they’re so loud. Plus, nobody had eaten.
On the last concert of Day 1, my 23-year-old cousin Gabrielle wanted a picture in front of the stage. So Eddie got out his camera and took a picture.
Now listen here. Gab was wearing her coat, and she didn’t have a hat at all.
When Eddie looked at the picture, it seemed okay. But when we get to the motel, he had them printed out already. We look at it for a while. Then Mikinlee pointed to “Gab’s” shadow.
“It’s wearing a hat!” she exclaims. “Gabby doesn’t have a hat! And the shadow isn’t wearing a coat!” “It must’ve been some other lady,” says Eddie. “No,” says Gab, “there was no one around.”
Maybe this is a good time to mention that we were in a supposedly haunted motel. It was the Rocky Top Village Motel in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, if you’d like to look it up. And, unfortunately, Eddie had booked the motel room that was closest to the “ghosts”. Gab, Holly, and her kids (Melodee and Mikinlee), and me were sleeping in that particular room.
So we’re bored. We all want to know the ghost stories of the Rocky Top Motel murders so we steal Gab’s iPhone and look it up. This is the story we get:
Two employees were murdered in the back office of the inn in 1986. They were shot and stabbed. Their names were Melissa Hill and Troy Valentine. The bodies were found in room one, not where we stayed. We were right next to it, though. Four men were caught and arrested. One of the men, Tattoo Eddie, was sentenced with death. This scared our Eddie a little bit. Visitors have claimed to hear screaming at night and see ghosts near the fountain. The fountain was where we were reading all this. We move away quickly.
When the two-day concert is over, we pack up to go back home. The boys were sleeping in the room above us and Avery dropped something. When he went to get it, he didn’t come back over for a while so Eddie sends me to check on him. He is standing in front of Room 1, staring at a bloody opossum. My username on animal jam is mrmoseby. I hope I win!
“Did I ever tell you about the bloody opossum?” my best friend, Breanna, says.
ReplyDelete“Say what?”
Breanna flips her fire-engine red hair and sits on a tree trunk. We just got out to recess.
“Well, one day my family and I were having a cook-out. Then my dad pointed out in the yard and said ‘Look, an opossum!’ It had a bloody nose. The moment we saw it, it ran away.”
Suddenly we hear a whistle.
“Kaleb, get off of that tree!” our math teacher, Ms. Piper, rings. Breanna goes on, ignoring the fact her best friend is stuck in a tree. “Anyway, a couple weeks after the cookout, we went outside. When we got out, though, there was something on the porch: that same darn opossum. So my dad kicked it off the porch and we never saw it again. Except for when dad ran over it with the car, maybe.” “Creepy,” I say. Suddenly I get cold chills. “It’s nearing Christmas Break”, I think. “It’s supposed to get cold.”
The next January, not but a couple weeks later, it was time for my church youth trip. We were going to a big two-day concert in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The two hour trip lasts 3 hours because the teenagers make Eddie, the poor man driving them, almost crash because they’re so loud. Plus, nobody had eaten.
On the last concert of Day 1, my 23-year-old cousin Gabrielle wanted a picture in front of the stage. So Eddie got out his camera and took a picture.
Now listen here. Gab was wearing her coat, and she didn’t have a hat at all.
When Eddie looked at the picture, it seemed okay. But when we get to the motel, he had them printed out already. We look at it for a while. Then Mikinlee pointed to “Gab’s” shadow.
“It’s wearing a hat!” she exclaims. “Gabby doesn’t have a hat! And the shadow isn’t wearing a coat!” “It must’ve been some other lady,” says Eddie. “No,” says Gab, “there was no one around.”
Maybe this is a good time to mention that we were in a supposedly haunted motel. It was the Rocky Top Village Motel in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, if you’d like to look it up. And, unfortunately, Eddie had booked the motel room that was closest to the “ghosts”. Gab, Holly, and her kids (Melodee and Mikinlee), and me were sleeping in that particular room.
So we’re bored. We all want to know the ghost stories of the Rocky Top Motel murders so we steal Gab’s iPhone and look it up. This is the story we get:
Two employees were murdered in the back office of the inn in 1986. They were shot and stabbed. Their names were Melissa Hill and Troy Valentine. The bodies were found in room one, not where we stayed. We were right next to it, though. Four men were caught and arrested. One of the men, Tattoo Eddie, was sentenced with death. This scared our Eddie a little bit. Visitors have claimed to hear screaming at night and see ghosts near the fountain. The fountain was where we were reading all this. We move away quickly.
When the two-day concert is over, we pack up to go back home. The boys were sleeping in the room above us and Avery dropped something. When he went to get it, he didn’t come back over for a while so Eddie sends me to check on him. He is standing in front of Room 1, staring at a bloody opossum. My username on animal jam is mrmoseby. I hope I win!
Dear mrmoseby-
DeleteHave you ever heard of NOT sharing personal info? O_o
Lol. I agree!
yeah... you didn't have to say the names and ages... meehp.
DeleteOk, this actually happened to me when I was little. I SWARE THIS WAS NOT MY IMAGINATION!! So I was REALLY afraid of clowns I still am! Ok so I like to leave my door open when I go to sleep. So I left the door open and I went to sleep and I woke up in the middle of the night and a clown was STARING RIGHT AT ME!! and it walks up to my sister's room creepily does a wave hello with his hand. After that he makes it look like hes trying to sush me and it looks like it was going into my sisters room. So instictivly I start crying and screaming so my mom runs in my room and asks me whats wrong and I told her what I saw. She said it was my imagination BUT IT WASNT. Sometimes I rarely see it! Hopefully I didnt scare anybody really bad if i scared you at all! I kina hope i win though my user name is rebelromeo if you want to contact me on aj!
ReplyDeleteHey, lol, I leave my bedroom door opened too!
Watervliet, NY, All Hallow's Eve - 1992. My cousins, my buddy Dana, my little brother, and I decided to hike the tracks up to Albany Rural Cemetery. I remember it was a snowless, warmer than average October 31st as we made the trek in earnest. "I hope we see a ghost!" My tag-along little-brother commented. "Shut-up kid," Dana replied. He was easily the biggest, and burliest member of the gang.. but as is often the case, the easiest to terrify. As usual, the rest of us ridiculed him for this display of sensitivity.
ReplyDeleteUpon arriving to the graveyard, we were surprised by how incredibly dark it was. While it's name suggests an image of a quaint country cemetery, it was anything but. ARC’s scope was vast, and it's residents seemingly ancient. I imagine this cemetery’s location being quite rural indeed, way back when it's first occupants took up residence shortly after the revolutionary war.
We'd planned to find our way, through the dark, to the cemetery pond where it was rumored that the older high school kids snuck away to party every weekend. But once we were within a hundred yards inside the gates it became pitch black, taking from us the ability to find our way anywhere! So we decided to hop back on the tracks, and head home for some more hijinks.
Pulling up the rear of the pack, as I often preferred to do, I remember getting the eerie feeling that we were being followed... Which wouldn't have been that unusual of an occurrence given the number of transients that inhabited the area. After looking over my shoulder two, or three times, and after thinking I was now hearing someone behind us, I made the motion for the gang to stop and see if indeed we were being tailed. My cousin Fred seconded the motion, and the quorum halted it's progress to investigate.
After a few moments, we began shouting back down the tracks at the Bum we suspected that had decided to give us a Devil’s night fright, but no such specter emerged. Whether everyone was now a genuinely creeped-out as I by now, or they were simply indulging me, we double-timed it back to the house in order to shake this curious spook...
Upon our arrival home, we began to ask each other if we though the ghoul had followed us all the way home. With our parents out to dinner somewhere, I remember us being a bit more skittish concerning this far-fetched possibility than usual, and the conjecture continued. After a few minutes of heated debate I voicened my need to relive myself. "I've gotta piss assholes," I stated in disgust, and just as I finished saying this, the only toilet on that floor of the house fully flushed! Now when I say "fully" I refer to the fact that we all clearly heard the toilet handle clinking as it was depressed, releasing the water from it's tank, and allowing the bowl to evacuate it's contents.
Now remember, we were completely alone at the time, and the entire gang was present and accounted for in the front room! Needless to say, neither I, nor anyone else were able to relive ourselves until much later that night when our parents finally arrived home. And that, my friends, is the true story of the commode flushing ghost.. who as I remember decided to stick around for awhile after this original encounter. Maybe I'll post another story about him before this seasons Samhain...
Ooooo u said bad words
DeleteThis story isn't that scary, but im sharing it anyway. Ok, here goes.
ReplyDeleteA while ago my mom gave someone a friend request on Facebook. Then maybe a month, or a few weeks ago, the request got accepted. At first I thought maybe the person's wife accepted it, but then my mom started to tell me more. She said that she started crying, then the sun shone bright and ever so slightly, it drizzled rain. So, she thought that it was a message from heaven, she thought that her relatives were watching over her, and that made her happy, considering that she has had a really bad week. Then a started to have second thoughts about the whole person's wife accepting it thing. So whenever I think of this story I feel safe, and happy.
Thanks for reading my story :)
Well,It was friday night then while i am going home i feel like a girl walking with me and singing an old song.She was wearing a dress that is like its already ready to use as a rug.She was holding a very scary doll.I rushed home but the door was locked i knew my mom left a key on my bag so i picked it up and opened it then i saw my dead grandma's rocking chair rocking and rocking until it stopped and i saw the girl again...I rushed to my room imminently.There was a creaking sound on the kitchen until i knew it was the girl that kept showing up.On my room,The light was flicking(lights down,lights up 5x)Then i heard on every room that everyone has left me alone.Then the girl showed her scary face to me when i turned around.I screamed as loud as I can until i knew it was just a dream and everyone got waked up,Up in the bed my two sisters banged each others head and slipped on the floor together with a tight sleep XD.Then i sleeped on my mom and dad's bed and sleeped but the last thing i remember was that,The girl took me to the basement and....XO
ReplyDelete*please read*
I don't want to tell any harsh words to this story
Thanks for reading But be careful there are alot of mysteries that you haven't know yet.
The question is...Who is that girl and what does she want from me?
~A short lesson
My family will never leave me alone :)
The end
This is my second and final entry! my username is vampicat.
ReplyDeletethis happened to me and my best friend on a school excursion. my friend is obsessed with doctor who and her favorite episode is the weeping angle episode. ok so we were walking with the class across the road when we saw a HUGE angle statue ( and i mean HUUUUGE ) with its chin down leaning on a sword. we were gasping at the sight. we looked away for about 15 seconds. when we looked back up the angles head was looking strait at my friend. I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy! i did not notice much, but my friend ( who never lies) was freaked out of every statue for the rest of the day.
good luck everyone!
DeleteWeeping angels... :shivers: O.o
DeleteMy name is slugehammer... So here is my story for you!
ReplyDeletei was just walking with my friend, Larson, and i decide to play a bit of tricks on him. i told him there was a creepy creature that lurks the trees, and has no face, body, or anything really. His name was the black figure. the black figure holds up fingers to whom he's staring at, and each time you stare back at him, he'll hold up one finger. the next time you see him, he'll hold up two fingers. when you reach 10 fingers, you die in a horrible way, but no one knows how. you can dodge him by looking away from the black figure, and he won't hold up any fingers. So Larson found it a cool story, so we decided to put it to the test. It was at school hours and every day at recess, we stared into the trees, and saw nothing. but that couldn't put a stop to our story. we kept looking, until a crisp fall day. Larson and I were tired of looking, when Larson claims its fake. i say hold on... he'll come. So later in december i keep looking, and larson is bored. but i say, hey dude LOOK! we both saw something lingering though the woods, and it hold up one finger. larson and i were shocked, like really shocked. And the creature walked away calmly. for the whole day, we were silent. SO was my story true? we wont really know for sure. and now Larson and i fly paper airplanes, and when a paper airplane flies into the woods, we won't DARE to go retrieve it.
the story is true and ( THE END ) BY