Friday, July 28, 2017

Sun Window & FIF

Hey Jammers! With a break from the mechanical set, a Sun Window is up for sale in JMF.

I noticed a new icon below the game's window. Right next to the AJ logo is a light bulb that lights up when you hover over it. If you click it, you get easy access to the AJ Feedback Submission box.

10 days left alert! I'll try to let you guys know the clearance items earlier so you have time to save up gems.

There's a huge glitch where you can type whatever you want on your Jammer Wall. Click the pic to view how to do it:


Can you find this?!


It's a bummer that you can't say certain words *that aren't even bad* on the caption on your wall. FEAR NOT! Using this glitch, you can now say what you want in 21 characters! 

Just please use with caution, I don't want jammers to say bad words :o( . This is only for entertainment purposes, and I'm not advocating you to say something bad! Just silly harmless words.

So first off. Type whatever you wanted to say on your sticky note, even if it's highlighted in red. As you can see, dab is highlighted in red (meaning you can't say that on the sticky)

Press the X button. NOT the Submit button. It will automatically save your caption and put it on your sticky!

 For more proof, you can see my Jammer wall!

Yes, you can type swear words, or jumbles of letters (ex: jskfjdkhejfdkd). Do I think displaying swear words on your sticky is acceptable? No.

Use responsibly!! AJHQ will probably quickly fix this glitch soon, so have fun while you can :o)

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Jammer Wall UPDATE, Land Portals & NTT

Great news for anyone who loves the Jammer Wall! Now there are more customization options to help you personalize your wall!

Lets take a look at whats new here. First, you can add a photo of your animal, plus a caption.

It's not the regular snapshot you can take in the photo booth. It's like a tiny avatar that MOVES up in the corner.

The customization has been neatly packed into one area with choices of wallpaper & others.

You can now put STICKERS on your wall, right below your picture. There aren't too many to choose from (compared to how much they hyped it up) but the ones that are there are neat.

I love the butterfly :)
 Masterpieces can still be displayed on the wall, except you can only display 3 and not 6, since the stickers and photo are taking up space.

 Personally, I think you should be able to choose if you want the 6 masterpieces or the 3 & stickers + photo. Maybe that will come out in another update?

Whatcha think?! Feel free to comment on my wall and I'll reply :o) .

Next in news: PORTALS. AJHQ announced a new batch of portals that can be bought this wild weekend.

They each cost 1 diamond, and only Jamaa Township is nm friendly.

Not to rain on AJHQ's parade, but I don't see these getting too popular. Maybe the Jamaa Township one, since it's nm, but like... you can pull up your map and go for free.... like lol.

The thing that was special about the Buddy Den Portals was that other people could go to a completely different person's den that they didn't know. Or buddies could have quick access to dens and not have to wade through their buddy list for their best buddy. With the map already in place, there's nothing new here except extra clutter.

With that being said, maybe people won't buy too many and then they'll become rare. Who knows. But the unpopular lands like Kimbara Outback or Appondale wont be top priority of diamond spenders... I'll stop being a downer now :p


Jamaaliday In July outfits are taking over! Get into the spirit and take inspiration from these fashionistas:

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Jamaaliday In July

Is the summer too hot for you? Chill out at the Jamaaliday in July party and celebrate (pre) Jamaalidays!

Here's a sneak peek:
 (notice the july birthstone on the mantle!)

Get your Jamaaliday shopping done early by getting all the Jamaaliday gear for sale. The shop brings back the older & newer Jamaaliday classics!

This party won't be available after July 28th, so be sure to pick up your Reindeer and Jamaaliday items!

New Items + Clearanced & DW

Hey Jammers! More mechanical items have been released in JMF.

There's a super unique item in epic wonders!

 I saw an awesome outfit idea having to do with this tail & the scorpion snippers.

I love this so much!!!

Speaking of tails, there's a zipper tail in epic wonders.

The plushies at the carnival are no longer freedom themed. You can buy the next batch of new plushies now!

Here is a list of all that's clearanced as of 7/26/17


Do you have a house with no garden plots? Make them yourself with a flowerbed and a tree! This reminds me of those little tree plots you see in cities.
Ostrichgirl2nd's den

Image result for trees in city
Image Credit
Sorry for the long wait of news Jammers!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Pet Koalas!

These guys are just adorable! I'll show you all the new things the koalas have to offer :o)

Here are the color choices for them:

The eyes:

The patterns:

 Now onto the clothes!

Check this little cutie in action:



 And of course, here are the rare items you can only get at the two pet parties!

Large Rainbow Pointer